LeBron Loyalist Gave Up $30,000,000 to Make Miami Superteam Dream Come True Claims Gilbert Arenas

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Sacrificing personal goals for the success of the team is widely appreciated and admired in the world of basketball. The King‘s devoted buddy and former teammate had a successful career. But what made him great is sacrificing the most important financial deal of his life just to play alongside one of the greatest players in the NBA. It just goes to prove a point made by Gilbert Arenas; everybody wants to flourish and win trophies on the same stage as LeBron James.

Arenas, a three-time NBA All-Star, sheds light on an alleged act of selflessness in which the former Miami Heat player forewent a large sum of $30,000,000 to join South Beach and contribute to their championship dreams. And no, it isn’t Chris Bosh.
With their Big Three in place, James & Co knew that they still needed a strong bench to compete with the likes of the San Antonio Spurs. That’s why the pick-up Mike Miller was so important. The shooting guard was a three-point specialist at the pinnacle of his game before joining the Miami Heat.
Miller was a standout for the Washington Wizards and a tremendous talent since his professional debut. Any club would have taken him, but he desired to form a dream super-team with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and other elite players.

Gilbert Arenas said on the ‘Gil’s Arena’ podcast that Mike Miller turned down a $30,000,000 contract from the New York Knicks in order to play alongside James in Miami in 2010, a choice that was important in the team’s construction’s fearsome super team.

Many doubted whether LeBron would win anything in Miami, according to Arenas. But that was not the case; there was a swarm of people who idolized James and wanted to play alongside him to form a dream squad. Miller joined South Beach on a team-friendly 5 year/$25 million deal.

LeBron’s effect was undeniable, and most of the players desired to share the court with the legend.

Miami Dream Super team

When LeBron James declared his intention to join Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh on the Miami Heat in the summer of 2010, the basketball universe shifted to Miami. Mike Miller joined them to fulfill his championship aspirations and to play among all-star players.


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