Simone Biles talks candidly about her testimony against Larry Nassar in “Scarring”

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There are many inspirational tales about Simone Biles’s grace, strength, and strength in the gymnastics community. Nevertheless, the sport has a troubled history as well, marring this lovely planet with instances of abuse. The story of American sports medicine specialist Lawrence Gerard Nassar is one example of this. He was found guilty of his offenses and given a sentence ranging from 40 to 175 years in jail almost eight years ago.

Together with colleagues Aly Raisman and McKayla Maroney, Simone Biles stepped out and provided testimony against Nassar in 2021. And now, almost three years after the powerful yet tragic event, Simone Biles talks about her courageous deed.

In a feature titled “Reframed,” Simone Biles discussed her feelings behind photos taken at significant junctures in her life in an interview with Vanity Fair. These included her civil courthouse wedding photo, her Biles II on vault, and her resignation from the Tokyo Games, to name a few. But when the pictures from September 15, 2021, of Simone Biles testifying against Larry Nassar before the Senate Judiciary Committee, were shown, one particular instance stuck out.

She talked about how she felt at the time and how it was significant since it was when she and her teammates started to speak up for survivors and the voiceless. Subsequently, she disclosed that, although having discussed it multiple times prior to the event, “officially stating it out loud in a courtroom was just kind of scarring, but it was the right thing.” This was an important turning point in Simone Biles’ life since it strengthened her position as a mental health advocate.

On September 15, 2021, Simone Biles broke down and testified against Nassar and the FBI’s handling of the investigation before the Senate Judiciary Committee, accompanied by McKayla Maroney, Aly Raisman, and Maggie Nichols. Simone Biles asked, “How much is a little girl worth?” and it was a stunning message. I’m here today to speak forward so that no young girl has to go through what I, the athletes seated around the table, and the innumerable others who suffered needlessly under Nassar’s pretense of medical care have to go through.

Later, FBI Director Christopher Wray, who took over as the organization’s head in 2017, sincerely apologized to the women and promised to make sure that under his direction, such a farce would never occur again. Simone Biles and other gymnastics icons raised their voices in opposition to injustice, and their influence is being felt today.


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